Monday, May 11, 2009

Key Lime KRAVING!!! What did you crave?

I do crave when I am pregnant. I actually have a really weird relationship with food when I am pregnant....a kind of love hate if you will. I love something so much and then get so sick after eating it??? Anyway...this has been my love food during this pregnancy. KEY LIME PIE.?? Who would have guessed?

It all happened when I placed an order to go at Cafe Rio. When I got home and opened up my bag....I found a small key lime pie! "Yuck," I thought..."who will eat this?" Well I ended up trying a small bite....fell in love....and finished the rest of the pie all by myself. Now I can't stop thinking about them.

Since the first, I have tried Kneader's key lime pie tarts, and Market Street Grill's Key Lime Pie. ALL amazing. But I have to say that the Cafe Rio Key lime beats them all. I read that the world's best Key Lime Pie is famous in the FLorida Keyes! I seriously thought about going out there....that is pregnancy thinking for ya!

What do you Crave...anything amazing that satisfies the tum that I should know about?


April Cobb said...

You are lucky that it is just the key lime pie for you because for me it was key lime cheesecake (like from the cheesecake factory.) It was bad news. But also tomatoes in any form. And I had a true belief that the world owed me french fries throughout my entire pregnancies. I had the thights to prove it afterward.

Janelle said...

Limes. Anything lime-y makes me absolutely giddy with joy while pregnant. Hmm, I guess that isn't too far off from your craving. Seriously, doesn't a virgin margarita from Chile's sound like heaven?

Jan Russell said...

Vanilla ice cream with fresh blackberries! YUM!

And McDonald's sweet tea, but I'm trying to break the habit ;)

Okey's said...

hi katie, i think that i may have met you once, but i grew up knowing steve's family. i think you have such cute taste and i have no idea how i came across your blog, but i had to let you know that i live in florida and although i have never tasted it, my brother in law RAVEs about the key lime pie in the keys. he says he has tried other key lime pies, but none have compared:) congrats on being pregnant!

Chelsea said...

how weird is that...I totally craved key lime...I would go to cheesecake factory and pick up key lime cheesecake for dinner! crazy!