Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Latest Loved SOng.....To spice up your Night

Okay so I really just love this song by Metro Station. It is called SHAKE IT and yes is seems a bit juvenile, but It is indeed my song of the week. My recommendation is this:

Download the song.
Burn to a disc.
Take along in purse on HOT date with Husband or boyfriend.
Pop it in the player when he is not looking.
Put on your lipstick and CRANK up the volume.
And dance like you're in the club. And if you dare, sing it to him.
He will love it too.
Try it girls.

There is nothing like having a fun new song of the week. Have a Listen!

1 comment:

Claire said...

I love you katie! That is the best visual I have had in a long time! I miss you... let's get together soon. check your email!