Saturday, May 31, 2008

Spring Kenzo & Glove Prediction for Fall

I have been watching this designer from Japan ever since feeling inspired by this fall collection from 2006. I just really loved this fall line....ANyway, Just checked up on him and reconfirmed my good find....DO you think I could ever find and score that white dress on the right? Ha, I wish..... AND, I am Predicting that the gloves like the chica on the far top right will be everywhere.....FUTURE TREND --mark my word. I noticed a few last fall and I want some. THe gloves--Old Elegance and Glamour. Just been thinking ahead for fall.....


Janelle said...

I think that is a good prediction -- very ladylike, I can see it taking.

I'm not sure I like the Kenzo line, except maybe the prints. It feels a little severe for my taste. Or maybe that's just the models, lol. The white dresses are gorgeous, however.

So can I share a very insignificant style pet peeve re: billowy/blouse-y tops like your dream dress (which I love, btw)? Big hair with big tops. Ugh! It just ruins it for me and they look like the ugly side of the 80s. Just a sleek pony or flat-ironed straight would look soo much better, dontcha think? K, vent over. I told you it was insignificant.

christensen crew said...

Yes I know what you mean when you say that big hair and billowy blouses don't work together! AND, I have to say that what I love about Kenzo's fall line from O6 is the structure, layering, necklines, and I don't know...I just like it! I have to explain that I mainly like the concept rather than the actual pieces. When it comes to runway high fashions, I like the ones that inspire me to come up with my own, everyday versions. This line just teaches good layering, draping, and piecing techniques.....that make sense? wow, I am really weird!

Janelle said...

No, you are so not weird at all. You have more style than I do. I have to copy exactly what I see, lol. Lameness. Btw, I didn't mean to criticize your taste at *all*. I don't have the vision you do. Someday when you have oodles of time, maybe you can post *your* version of Kenzo and I can see what you mean and love it.