Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nesting DIscovery

So, for some reason I have been 'Nesting' this week. {Not Pregnant} I think it is because my oldest child is starting Kindergarten {leaving the Nest} and my second will go to preschool. I am feeling like a full on Mom -- Living for the kids and their schedules. So anyway, I have just been cleaning and organizing up a little storm. Seriously, just to organize and deep clean the Laundry room was like a four day mess...clothes everywhere!

Well, as I was throwing out, bagging up for DI, and storing up all of my kiddies clothes, I stumbled upon something I must share. (Maybe most of you are already on to it, but if you are not....you will love it!) THE GIANT HEFTY ONE ZIP BAGS! I bought some just at the grocery store and I LOVE them. I have seen some on infomercials with a special something or other that will suck the air out....but I just zipped them up all except for an inch and just inhaled all the air out myself. I stored away my freshly cleaned Baby Blanket Collection and have about 15 big fluffies all in one bag. AND the best part is....I can store them up on a shelf and the dust wont get in! It just feels SO good. I know all of my friends appreciate this feeling I am talking about. So, if you haven't done this yet to store those Clothes, blankets, linnens......Do it right away cause it feels so good! (And saves space!) :)


The Garden said...

Kate- thanks for the good tip. I have been trying to figuare out the best way to store Eliza's clothes and you have figuared it out!! Then I don't have to use those big plastic containers.

Janelle said...

That is a great idea, Miss Kate. So neat and compact, I love it!

amelia said...

I'll have to give those a try! I too feel the need to clean up & organize! Now that school is ON, I'm wanting to "spruce up" my life a little!

trinabelle said...

Love the space savers! I have been using them for years. Also a great way to tote gear home from the beach when on vacation. No wet car or sandy seats... and they are disposable to boot! What fun. Great tip miss Kate