Monday, August 11, 2008

Boho Chic....Kinda Diggin' it at Gucci....

So I typically don't go Boho for my own personal wardrobe, I too, (like Chelsea) am a total preppy at heart, but...I am loving the look from Gucci. There's a luxury running through these pieces. I am loving the tight skinny pants, the cropped jackets, the ankle boots, the tall chunky boots, and the hair too... Love it. NOtice all the black tight skinny pants? THey are so hot, the tighter the better, with a little extra length bunched at the ankles.....ahhh....wish they looked this good on me. Have a look. Give your thoughts....

Okay so this last one I just had to put in and joke about, I think it is a bit too pirate-y for my taste...dontcha think? Just channeling Jack Sparrow.


Robbe said...

Great pics, I am also digging the belt-age. I think that is key -- breaks-up the black. Love these looks, even the last one :)

Janelle said...

Dangit...this is Janelle

Chelsea said...

ok so Im a little depressed right now...I LOVE skinny pants in the winter when Im super thin...and almost 5 mos pregnant is not super thin. So, I am going to have to give them up this thighs are the first thing to go when i get prego...its seriously not my fault!