I don't have many readers, but the ones I do have make it all worth while. Honestly to come home after a long day of Mommyhood, after all the little monkeys are tucked into bed, and to turn on the computer and find that one other cute girl out there liked the exact same purse (and did so as enough to comment about it) just makes me light up! All day I cater to my children and fam...and all of their friends.....and somedays I'll go all day without talking to a "Kate Friend"....so when I can come home and laugh that somewhere out there is a kindred MISS, (not a mam or a lady) who shares a commonality with me. :) And the reality is this.....We both may never own these fine fashions, or shoes, but we have our dreams and we keep on dreaming anyway!
SO, thanks to all the cute girls who have found this list. Thanks for commenting, sharing, and for making me smile at the end of the day. I am going to keep it going....for all three of you! :)
Thanks for your super sweet comment on my blog, Kate! I am SO glad you are going to keep up with this cute blog, and I will for sure be reading and drooling over all things "lovely" with you!!!
Oh....you are SWEET!! Thanks for the super nice comment on my blog as well :o). I felt so silly at first commenting on your blog since I don't even know you but I'm glad I did! You just seem so fun and I feel like we can relate so well with our three sweet boys....well four if we count the hubbys too! I'm excited to get to know you better.
So what's on Kate's list for make-up? That's an area I'd love to get new tips or info on products you love! Especially eyes...I can't ever find an eyeshadow that stays on - I am clueless when it comes to eye make-up!! TTYS!
Kate...I'm a total supporter even though you don't know me. My husband Vince knows your husband and maybe you?? but I love your website I always love your fresh outlook!
We'd love to get together!! I'm sure we'd have a great time. Let us know what works.
I found your blog through blog "surfing" and love it so much! I look at it everyday and get disappointed when there isn't a new post! You have fabulous taste and I always love your tips! Thanks for keeping it up!
You are so darling... I am happy you will keep the content flowing :) I love your fashion advice and would be lost without it :) Although we still need to go shopping so you can pick me out a new wardrobe!!! Everything I own is BLACK!!! I am starting to feel a little vampirish :)
LOVE YOU... lets play soon!!!!
Kate! You are a doll. I love your list and you should not cut it! You have only boys in your home and should be allowed some girlish frivolty! xo
Please keep it going. This blog is a reminder of how I have no style and I am that offender of all those little things you suggest against (sweats, argh!) But I have been wearing cuter at home attire, since reading your post on "schlumpadinkas". I do still fall back into the sweatpants, basically because I don't have enough pairs of cute pants so I figure wearing clean clothes is better than the same thing every day. I guess I could just get dressed. Nah!
What?? I would've been so sad if you had stopped blogging! Hooray for your perseverance to keep us all hip. Don't feel shallow - you obviously have a lot more going for you than great taste. But, isn't it wonderful to just be a girl sometimes and remember how fun clothes can be? Thanks for being a *fun* part of my mommy life :) (I think I need more of those, btw).
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