Friday, May 2, 2008


So I am obsessed with white. Yep, in the home. I have always been a bright light seeker, one who LOVES bright, clean and romantic rooms. So, I am trying to convince my Hubby to paint our walls stark white. Yeah, call me crazy but this is my vision.....Stark White Walls, Airy Sheer Window Treatments to the floor, Dark Wood Floors, Dark Wood Sleigh Bed with Stark White Fluffy Bedding from Brocade, and ornate white mirrors and frames on the walls and on the Dark Wood Tables.

So, am I nuts....or are you catching my vision? Cast your vote or opinion.....can I convince stevie?


trinabelle said...

I Love It! Lets do a "Trading Spaces" challenge next time Steve is out of town. What fun. Also, if white is what you fancy, you have to go to "Details II" in Sugarhouse. It is shabby-chic-tastic and almost ALL white. You will love it. I would add a mirrored case piece and a romantic antique chandelier to make your vision even that much more delicious :) Oh boy... now we have to do it :)


Janelle said...

I love the idea. I did that with my bedroom, once. White fluffy duvet and throws (see we are tOtal soul-mates :)), but it was with a canopy bed and I strung ivory sheers all around the canopy - if that makes sense. It was all waft-y and romantic. I loved it, but for some reason Rob didn't. I am a HuGe fan of white bedclothes because I like to be able to bleach them, ya know? I think you should do it.

This is so ironic you are blogging about white because I keep finding myself wearing white this week -- and keep showing-up places with my son's dirt all over me, lol. Not such a great camouflager of little boy messes - white. Bu-ut, whaddya do?

On a side note, I am determined to do a white slip-covered sectional in our great that just shooting myself in the foot? Is there any way white can be practical with kids??? I'm expecting your typical genius answer here, Kate. :)

MJ said...

That is funny because I have been thinking white lately too. I just love the look of white furniture, but I can't bring myself to buy it because it would get ruined, so I've considered doing something with white walls too. You're too funny. I even painted my cabinets off white.

Chelsea said...

oooh, I can totally see it! Clean and glamorous! Love it! You have to just DO it and then they'll see the vision when it's done... that's my advice for convincing Steve :)!