Thursday, April 24, 2008

Steal of the Week

Okay girls...these are my find of the week....Bracelets and Accessories at Old Navy. They have these fantastic bracelets for a great low price! I am a jewelry fanatic and I bought the bracelets below at Coach and J.Crew. Then I took a stroll through Old Navy this week and found these look-a-likes. So, if you'd rather spend your money on some hot new shoes or jeans, then go stylish and inexpensive with these! Get the look for close to nothing.
Can You even guess which one is Old Navy?

1 comment:

Lisanne Lee said...

What a find! Very impressive. Don't you know that you're supposed to call me about great steals before you go posting them on your ever popular blog? For sure they'll be gone by the time I get there.


Still love you.