Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good Children's Photographer

I discovered the cutest kids photographer, I really like her style, what does everyone think? I went and had her photograph my boys and I will be sure post my favorites if they turn out well.


Karen Scoffield said...

How fun! I am excited to see how your pics. turned out. Who is she?

Lisanne Lee said...

Ok, now I'm just loving this new blog of yours. You're so adorable. I want to be just like you. You've got mommying down, cleaning down, organizing down, loving hubby down, new blog down-I mean...where do I begin?

This photographer is great. I'm dying to see your new pics. Let me know how it went. Also, Jeff and I are dying to get you and Steve for some alone time. We miss you and don't feel like we get enough of you during Christensen family time.

Let's plan soon.

Love you.


christensen crew said...

The photographer is Angie Monson, if anyone is interested, call me up and I'll give you all the good info! I'll be sure to also post her info when I put up the pics in an upcoming post!