Friday, March 7, 2008

Girls with SKILLS....

My buddies from high school are all so amazing. Two in particular have wowed me upside down! Both girls actually always stuck out to me as super stylish and savvy, and they are more so than ever today....with kids!

Tatertot HairclipsThe first chica is Chelsea Horsley. She is a mother to a beautiful girl named Tate. She is one of those fabulous girls who you always bump into at the most happening places around town. She is always in the know of the latest greatest, and every time I see her....I walk away so much happier! She created these beautiful little hair accessories for little girls and I LOVE them. Her Inspiration: Tate of course! and that is from where the name came......

Then, my dearest friend Natalie Whitney. This is a girl I've known for years now and I absolutely adore her, did from day 1. She is the mother to two girlie girls....Ella and Sofia. She was the girl in school who set all the trends. If she had it, it was an instant object of desire. AND, I happen to know and love her mother ---who passed her creative genius on to her baby girl and taught her some serious skills.....and she proves it with these girlie accessories.....

**Can you even believe how great these are? Both girls amaze me and I feel so proud. Proud of them for getting it together enough to create, craft, and start up these fabulous products........
Now if I could be so brilliant........

These two girls are what I like to call Kindreds
. This is a word I use to call my favorite people. A kindred is a person you meet and immediately connect with. You just get each other right off, and within minutes a kindred can have you laughing and relating to commonalities like only a sister could.


Natalie said...

Oh Kate I heart you so much! Thanks for the shout out on your cute blog! Puh-lease have a girl next so we can play girl stuff all day! I really do think we are kindred ya girl.

Natalie said...

OH p.s......I la la LOVE Chasing Fireflies too! That dress you posted about is all time favorite brand. I just got a few yummy Jottum dresses for my girls at Four & Twenty Sailors that are very similar to that one. And we're using them for beach pics when we go to Florida in May. Perfection!